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We love and honor our heroes when we recognize their humanity. To be revered as an idol or infallible scholar is much less of an honor than to be revered as a human who within all the limitations of being human rose to contribute a unique voice and make an important, though imperfect, contribution worthy of a lasting influence on the history of humankind.
Dr. Louis Hoffman, The Proper Use of Tradition and Scholarly Authority
Dr. Louis Hoffman's Books

Both an academic author and a poet, Dr. Louis Hoffman has recently published four books.
Eros & Psyche: Existential Perspectives on Sexuality (Volume 1 & 2) is a collection of essays by leading voices in existential psychology on sexuality. It includes chapters by Heidi Levitt, Sara Bridges, Peggy Kleinplatz, Digby Tantam, Joel Vos, Stanley Krippner, and more! In additional to co-editing the volumes, Dr. Hoffman wrote an important chapter on attraction in therapy appearing in Volume 2.
Becoming an Existential-Humanistic Therapist: Narratives from the Journey is a fascinating and unique book. It presents a vision one rarely encounters, a collective autobiography of the many paths taken as these therapists sought a calling centered within the Existential–Humanistic tradition.
Poetry and art can, and should, change the world. Rising Voices: Poetry Toward a Social Justice Revolution forcefully demonstrates this truth. With 77 poems from 45 poets, Rising Voices addresses critical social justice issues of our time, including racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, homelessness, and more.
About Dr. Louis Hoffman
Louis Hoffman, PhD, is a well-known independent researcher. He is the 2020/2021 recipient of the Rollo May Award from the Society for Humanistic Psychology and has been recognized as a fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Society for Humanistic Psychology (Division 32 of the American Psychological Association), APA Division 52 (International Psychology), the Society for General Psychology (APA Division 1), Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts (APA Division 10), the Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (APA Division 36), and the Society for the Study Peace, Conflict, and Violence. He is the Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Humanistic Counseling and Psychological Association and maintains a private practice in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Additionally, Dr. Hoffman is the Editor of The Humanistic Psychologist.

Dr. Hoffman teaches courses at the University of Denver and Saybrook University. He is teaches through the International Institute for Existential-Humanistic Psychology and is an affiliate instructor with the Existential-Humanistic Institute. Areas of interest for Dr. Hoffman include existential and humanistic psychology and psychotherapy, the history and philosophy of psychology, multicultural and diversity issues, international psychology, and spiritual/religious issues in psychology.
He is a past-president of the Society for Humanistic Psychology and the Rocky Mountain Humanistic Counseling and Psychological Association (RMHCPA), and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, The Humanistic Psychologist, the Journal of Constructivist Psychology, and Janus Head. Additionally, Dr. Hoffman Serves as the co-editor-in-chief of the University Professors Press.
Beginning in 2007, Dr. Hoffman has traveled to China 1-2 times a year, frequently bringing students along with him. These trips focus on existential psychology and the psychology of religion. With Mark Yang and Xuefu Wang, he began the International Conference on Existential Psychology, which began in 2010 and has been held every other year in China since the first conference. Additionally, he co-founded the International Institute of Existential-Humanistic Psychology (IIEHP). The mission of IIEHP is to facilitate culturally sensitive training in existential psychology in Asia, including identifying and dialoguing with indigenous existential psychologies in Asia.
Dr. Hoffman is also active in community service, including serving on the board of The Humanitarian Alliance. An avid writer, Dr. Hoffman has published 23 books and over 100 journal articles, book chapters, and encyclopedia articles. If you are interested in more information about Dr. Hoffman or if you would like to follow his scholarship and professional work, please visit this webpage.
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