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Louis Hoffman, PhD is a faculty member at Saybrook in the Department of Humanistic and Clinical Psychology. He teaches primarily in the Existential, Humanistic, and Transpersonal Psychology Specialization; however, he also teaches in the Creativity Studies and Consciousness, Spirituality, and Integrative Health Specializations as well as in the Transformative Social Change Degree Program. This page provides additional recommended resources for EHP 6150 Existential Psychotherapy II: Rollo May & the Existential Tradition

EHP 6150 Existential Psychotherapy II:
Rollo May & the Existential Tradition
Required Content
Abzug, R. H. (2021). Psyche and soul in America: The spiritual odyssey of Rollo May. Oxford Univeristy Press.
May, R. (1969). Love and will. Norton.
May, R. (1981). Freedom and destiny. Norton.
May, R. (1983). The discovery of being: Writings in existential psychology.
May, R. (1991). The cry for myth. Norton.
May, R. (1994). The courage to create. Norton & Company. (Original work published in
1975). (also available on audible)
Other Required Reading
May, R. (1973). Response to Morell’s “Love and will: A feminist critique. Journal of Humansitic Psychology, 13, 47-50.
May, R. (1982). The problem of evil: An open letter to Carl Rogers. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 22, 10-21.
Mendelowitz, E. (2009). Reminiscences. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 49(4), 435-440. doi:10.1177/0022167809334389.
Mendelowitz, E. (2011). Transience and possibility: The legacy of Rollo May. The Humanistic Psychologist, 39(3), 253-260. doi:10.1080/08873267.2011.594332.
Morell, C. (1973). Love and will: A feminist critique. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 13, 35-46.
Rogers, C. R. (1982). Notes on Rollo May. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 22, 8-9.
Serlin, I. (2009). A tribute to Rollo May and the arts. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 49, 486-489.
Videos & Other Media
The Human Dilemma: Interview with Rollo May by Jeremy Mishlove
Rollo May’s Discussion with Richard Evans: Anxiety, Love, Will, and Dying
Rollo May’s Discussion with Richard Evans: Maturity and Creativity
Role of the Therapist, Role of the Client Panel Discussion
Rollo May on Existential Psychotherapy
Recommended Resources
May, R. (1953). Man’s search for himself. Delta.
May, R. (1967). Psychology and the human dilemma. Norton & Company.
May, R. (1972). Power and innocence: A search for the sources of violence. Norton.
May, R. (1973). Paulus: Tillich as spiritual teacher. Saybrook Publishing.
May, R. (1977). The meaning of anxiety (Rev. ed.). Norton & Company.
May, R., Angel, E., & Ellenberger, H. F. (Ed.). (1958). Existence. Jason Aronson.
Reeves, C. (1977). The psychology of Rollo May. Jossey-Bass.
Schlett, J. (2021). Frontier struggles: Rollo May and the little band of psychologists who saved humanism. University of Akron Press.
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